Engineering Services

Our engineering team provides the support required for preliminary planning, designing, permitting through to as-built documentation as well as construction & project management for our customer’s projects. Our in-house, multi-discipline capability combined with decades of experience provides an efficient process for customers who place a premium on accuracy and productivity.

By partnering engineering with our construction and splicing resources, we have the capabilities to offer a true turn-key fiber optic solution.

Engineering support services allows a client to realize a greater ROI on building network facilities.

Feasibility Study

Atx Technology provides a feasibility study to support a business case as per client scope. The study is based upon field observations, record research and years of experience. This study will give a proposal cost for the project based on our knowledge and experience
Atx Technology will design the route in the most economical fashion while keeping to industry standards and the customer’s needs both immediate and future


Fiber Optic Communications System Design
Outside Plant (OSP) Infrastructure Design for Aerial & Underground with GIS
Inside Plant (ISP) Design. BICSI certified.
Records Maintenance
Right-of-Way (ROW) Survey; Permitting and Licensing Information.

Feasibility Study

ATX Technology engineers assemble proposals for the design, construction, operation and/or maintenance of a network. We can provide the specifications insuring that best value solutions are developed to address design, construction, acceptance, testing and maintenance standards.

Permit/Application Management

After customer approves the design, the team will submit, monitor and manage all necessary permits and applications with various utilities and entities Government and Municipality plus Private Land Owners

Construction & Project Management

Review preliminary drawings for engineering and constructability
Handle negotiations and coordination
Develop and review work plans, schedules, contract changes, manpower allocations and all project deliverables
Work to develop quality assurance standards and procedures for the project and institute corrective action and follow-up
Work with the client for the approval of any labor, materials or subcontracted charges to the project
Ensure timely completion of all aspects of the project

Computer Aided Design

Uses industry standard platforms such as AutoCAD and/or Micro Station
GPS capability, Digital Mapping & As-Builts (GIS and Digital)